Monday, September 29, 2008

Strange Behaviour

Why do people walk funny in the rain? I know you've seen this. They walk out of a building and see that it is raining so they duck their heads down. Why do they duck? Do they think the rain won't see them? It's coming from the sky, it's gonna hit you no matter how far you put your head down. Everybody does this. Like it's a well know fact that if you get lower to the ground the rain won't fall on you. Now, I'm no physics expert but I think there's a flaw in this theory.
Like the little rain drops are saying, "Aw Man, he ducked. Now we're never gonna get him".

I was out on a job once and lighting struck. The guy that I was working with started running. This is the funniest thing I've seen during a storm. Did he actually think he was going to outrun lightning? I mean, you have to have a pretty good self image to think that you can run faster than the speed of light. It's Lightning!!! By the time you hear it coming, it's too late to do anything about it. And where are you going to run to? For all you know, you are running to the next place it's gonna hit.
I understand that it scared him, he told me that when I looked at him like he was crazy. All I could think to say was, "Okay Flash, let's go home. It's about to rain and we can't work if we have to duck down".


Angela Swanlund said...

Other strange behavior that cracks me up is when people put something really hot in their mouth - then wave with their hand in front of of their mouth - with their mouth closed, mind you... like that's really gonna help!

Another one that just gets my knickers in a knot is when people use their hands and fingers to demonstrate quotation marks around certain words. Duuuude - we're not playing sherades, I can hear the extra emphasis applied to the words. Wanna do YMCA for me next?*shakes head*

Umm... another one is women who use their foot to flush a public toilet, then think nothing of sitting their hand bag down on the floor. The same hand bag that will be in their lap in about 10 minutes. Do they not realize anything that misses that toilet - hits the floor beneath it?

I could go on... :)

Chaotically Calm said...

Ha-ha too funny...I am one of those idiots who ducks her head when it rains especially when I don't have an umbrella, I just don't like how it feels when rain hits my eyes or lashes....hey I am a weirdo I admit it!

You know what I find strange and maybe it's me but why do people call you on the phone and when you answer ask if you're awake....hello I can't actually answer the phone sleep, I don't have those kind of skills. It could just be me.


Kavita (luvikavi) said...

lol, I do it too! It's really sad because for some reason, I think by ducking I can actually avoid the rain.

Ekim941 said...

Don't worry, everyone does this. In fact, if you walk out into the rain and don't duck, people look at you funny, I had one person even walk up to me and say, "It's raining". Yeah, the water falling from the sky kinda gave it away.

Anonymous said...

I live on the coast where it rains all winter long. Those who live here do not duck and run. They are dressed for the weather and if they lack a hood or a hat they let the rain fall wherever. On the other hand, tourists become turtle-like in the rain are are a hilarious site to behold. The ones that make me laugh most of all are those who hold newspapers over their heads. :P

Sandie lee said...

You should be writing...and I don't mean just Blogging. You're funny and I enjoy your humour (EH)

Anonymous said...

LOL. I don't mind swimming in pools when there's lightning though. I think that those that jump out of a a puny pool because of lightning is overestimating their presence in the vast array of land that lightning gets to choose from. Okay, I know I'll probably win a Darwin Award for that one someday.

Anonymous said...

Bwahaha...I totally needed to read this...

I don't duck my head. I'm the chick that walks in the rain with just my hoodie on and I don't care if I'm getting wet...I like splashing puddles so the idiots around me get wet.


Alan said...

I think they duck because they are expecting the water to be cold. Spray someone with cold water and they will do that look too

Anonymous said...

I so totally love the rain. Hold my head high and enjoy the sprinkles! I agree with you and no lightening no harm in enjoying the sweetness of it all!

aireen said...

strange, isn't it. By instinct,people, what's the term again? ducked their head down when rain started to drop. I, too, did this and I don't know why.

that's why it's strange,lol..

Anonymous said...

I actually like the feel of of the rain too, unless it's pelting.

So...You answer the phone by talking, and the caller says "can you talk"? Taken literally, it's pretty funny.

At that point, say nothing...nothing at all.